Tokens for Tomorrow: October-December 2022
Meet the 4th Quarter Tokens for Tomorrow groups! With Tokens for Tomorrow, every time you bring in a reusable shopping bag, we honor your commitment to reducing waste with a token worth 8¢ that you can give back to one of these local organizations.
Chinook Enterprises
Chinook Enterprises
Chinook Enterprises is a social enterprise –a non-profit designed to operate as a business, but with a social mission: supporting full participation in community life for people with disabilities or other barriers. Full participation must start with successful employment.
Chinook Enterprises believes that the need to be connected with one’s community and to be a responsible citizen is at the core of each person. Each of us can relate to the importance of having a place to contribute…to feel valued… and for most, that means a job.
For many people with disabilities, finding that place can be challenging. Barriers to employment success are varied and include inadequate transportation, lack of experience, communication challenges, community acceptance and more. With help and support, these barriers can be minimized and dreams realized.
Skagit Meals on Wheels
Skagit Meals On Wheels
Skagit County Meals on Wheels provides services to meet the primary issue of hunger that exists among older adults in Skagit County. Tokens will help to supply meals to the growing Meals on Wheels client base. Due to the pandemic, the program has grown by over 20%. Through Meals on Wheels, one thousand dollars supplies 112 hot, homemade meals to homebound seniors in Skagit County.
Skagit Humane Society
Skagit Humane Society
The Humane Society’s mission is to provide a safe haven to shelter and care for the abandoned, abused, or unwanted animals within Skagit County; to treat the animals with dignity and respect; to place these animals into loving and caring homes; to create public education programs that increase the awareness of humane treatment and the necessity of spay and neuter of all animals; and to coordinate resources for housing and placement of small animals evacuated during disaster.
Trial by Flavor
Trial By Flavor
Trial By Flavor is a free program offered by Mount Vernon City Library to help adults and families explore a world of flavor at home. The library believes that good nutrition is an essential part of building a healthy and prosperous community. Trial By Flavor helps Skagit families gain confidence in the kitchen and share the joy of a good meal.
The goal is to take the risk out of buying an unfamiliar spice or ingredient and carefully choose recipes that people can be successful in cooking. Kits are free and available for pick up at the library, no library card required. The kits include the dry and non-perishable ingredients needed to make the recipe, a short shopping list of fresh produce, and an information booklet of information about the recipe, the ingredients, nutrition, and cooking tips and techniques.
Your generous support will allow us to give away more kits for each recipe and allow for the inclusion of more ingredients in each kit. Thank you!
Reuse. Rinse. Repeat.
Every time you reuse your bag, you’re giving back. How many times have you given back? How many times have you reused your bag? Probably too many to count, and we are so grateful for your efforts. Now, how many times have you reused your bag since you washed it last? Chances are, probably too many times to count. So, please remember to wash your bags to help keep everyone’s food safe and clean. And thanks again for reusing your bag!