Meet Our Board Members

Another thing that makes the Co-op different from every other grocery store is that we’re owned and democratically run by thousands of community members just like you! Our Skagit Valley Food Co-op Board of Trustees serves on behalf of our member-owners, and works directly with our General Manager on a variety of Co-op matters.

skagit valley food co-op board of trustees

From left to right: Brad, Kristen, Laura, Genaro, Tom, Rob, Casey, Tony, and Leigha


Brad Claypool, Board President & Executive Committee
Kristen Ekstran, Vice President & Strategic Planning Committee
Casey Schoenberger, Secretary & Board Development Committee
Laura Bady, Treasurer & Finance Committee
Rob Smith, Finance Committee

Genaro Gomez, Staff Board Member & Board Development Committee
Tom Theisen, Strategic Planning Committee
Tony White, General Manager
Leigha Staffenhagen, Board Administrator



All Aboard!

We want to hear from you! All member-owners are welcome to attend our monthly Board of Trustees meetings, which are typically held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:45am.

Bring your questions or concerns to the meeting — we give member-owners the opportunity to provide input either before or after the regular meeting agenda. While the Board encourages input, the Board may not be able to add topics raised to that day’s agenda. Owner-member comments should address Board-related (non-operational) issues and will be recorded in the meeting minutes.

Have a question or want to be added to next month’s agenda? Contact the Board directly at

Next Meeting:
Thursday, April 10th at 7:45am
Board Room at the Co-op


wall painted with word vote

Your Vote Counts

Think of all the places you shop on a day-to-day basis. How many of those places do you have the opportunity to choose who represents you at an executive level? Probably not many.

But here at the Co-op, every active member-owner household gets to vote on who they want to serve and uphold the mission of the Co-op. Once a year, coinciding with our Annual Membership Meeting, active owner-members are invited to vote in the election or run for an open position on the Board of Trustees.

Interested in running for the board? Email us!