
The Best Produce on Earth

Skagit Valley is home to some of the best farmland on Earth. Yes, on Earth. From the best farmland in the world comes some of the best food in the world, and you can find it in the Co-op. With over 80 crops on about 75,000 acres of Skagit farmland, you’ll experience the bounty in our backyard every time you visit.


produce department at skagit valley food co-op

Fresher than Fresh

Lettuce grown 3 miles away. World famous Skagit strawberries from just down the road. Saying hello to a friendly farmer as you shop—like an everyday farmers market. Our produce is as fresh and local as it gets, and you can taste the difference. At the Co-op, we bring farmstand flavor to you, and local is always in season.

local farmer digging in soil

Meet Our Local Farmers

Say it with us: local farmers rock! The Co-op works with dozens of local farmers to bring you fresh, organic produce straight from the farm, every. single. day. They work hard to grow food the right way because it’s their passion, and because it’s the right thing to do.

Find out who grows your food >

peaches in produce department at skagit valley food co-op

The Best Pick: Organic Produce

As the first produce department in Skagit County to be Certified Organic, we’ve been leading the charge in organics since 1973 because we believe healthy food matters, and so does the way it’s grown. Choosing organic protects people, pollinators, and this beautiful place we call home. You’ll find nearly 200 organic fruits and vegetables in the Co-op each and every day, so you can make choices you feel good about.

kids holding banana cards at skagit valley food co-op

Free Fruit for Kiddos

We’re not monkeying around! Kids ten and under get a free piece of organic fruit at every visit with Co-op banana cards. We want kids to experience a real fruity snack while you shop: just have your littles pick out an apple, orange, pear, or banana and then show their banana card at checkout. Easy-peasy, and always free. You can ask any staff person to give your little Co-op shopper a banana card.

G.R.O.W. Bananas

Did you know all the bananas at the Co-op provide resources and opportunities to farmworkers and their families?

Peel Into Goodness >

Pick of the Week:
Organic Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is a local, late winter gem worth putting on your plate. Part of the broccoli and Brussels sprouts family, kohlrabi's taste and texture are similar to broccoli stem, but milder and sweeter. They can be eaten cooked or raw, just be sure to peel the outer layers first!

Kohlrabi Recipes >

Cultivating Community

Did you know? Every winter, Skagit farmers gather together for an annual Farmer Meeting at the Co-op! Here’s what Produce Ben had to say about this unique (and special) yearly gathering.

Farming the Skagit, Cooperatively >