Ready to Bust
the #1 Co-op Myth?
You don’t have to be a member to shop here! Truth is, the Skagit Valley Food Co-op is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to shop here—no membership required (you just get a lifetime of perks when you sign up!). So next time you’re in the neighborhood, feel free to pop in and see what makes us the best grocery store around.
Owned by the People
The Co-op is a community space open to everybody, not an exclusive club. We’re not owned by someone in a big fancy office; we’re owned and operated by people just like you—folks who love good food and believe that working together for a healthier world is just the right thing to do.
If you want in on that kind of goodness, you can sign up to be a Co-op member-owner! Becoming an owner means you own a share of the Co-op, and a one-time refundable equity investment of $100 gets you a lifetime of benefits. The best part is, you don’t have to pay for it all at once. You can make payments as low as $2 a month! Sign up at any register or print the New Owner Form before you come in. Questions? Call us!
The Co-op is happy to offer complimentary senior owner-memberships!
Senior members are eligible for member discounts,
but senior member puchases do not count toward patronage dividends.
If you wish to receive credit for your purchases to receive a dividend (when they’re paid out),
simply sign up for a standard Co-op member-ownership.
Enjoy a Bounty of Benefits
As a Skagit Valley Food Co-op Owner you belong to something bigger—you belong to a local organization that has supported our little slice of heaven since 1973. Your investment helps support:
Your Local Economy
Organics & Fair Trade
Local Washington Producers
(your neighbors!)
Health & Wellness Education