5% Friday is the Skagit Valley Food Co-op’s Community Shopping Day. On the 4th Friday of every month, we donate 5% of sales to a local organization. These 5% Friday groups are selected once a year by a selection committee of the Board of Trustees of the Skagit Valley Food Co-op. Applications are available July through September for the upcoming year.
Organizations are selected for their service to the community in a variety of areas including:
Local community service organizations
Organic food systems
Environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices
Human rights
Environmental preservation
Youth outreach & education
Other groups with ‘like minded’ mission statements
Applications for 5% Friday Community Shopping Days in 2025 are now closed.
What Our 5% Friday Recipients Are Saying
“Thanks to the donation we received, we were able to support students of Emerson High School with the purchase of much needed classroom supplies such as Chromebooks, scientific calculators, and backpacks for students in need, as well as funding for experiential outings.”
Underground Writing
“The 4% Friday program was a very significant boost for Underground Writing in a variety of ways, including increased visibility in Skagit County and beyond, the strengthening of our community connections in Mount Vernon, and funding for our arts non-profit. We used the funding received from our 4% Friday to establish the Skagit Co-Op Chapbook Fund, a reserved pool of money that will be used to publish small booklets of student writing. Our chapbooks aim to build hope and compassion within authors and readers alike, thus assisting in community transformation.”
Page Ahead Children’s Literacy
Thanks to 4% funds in support of our Book Up Summer program 62 kindergartners, first graders, and second graders in Mount Vernon were able to choose 12 brand-new books each from our spring book fairs at no cost to them, building their home libraries for summer reading and beyond (in total, Page Ahead reached 1,365 Mount Vernon students last year). This was especially valuable when school and public libraries were closed during the pandemic and kids were cut off from almost all sources of reading materials.
“It has been a very hard year for so many. To see the joy on my students' faces when they received their 12 free books was priceless!” —Whitney, a first grade teacher at Harriet Rowley Elementary
Skagit Gleaners
Funds from 4% Friday, matched by Skagit Community Foundation, helped pay for cold storage for our food distribution efforts, which was needed to maintain the volume of reclaimed protein and food from local businesses and distributors, before being dispersed to families. These funds have helped us grow our operations in the aftermath of COVID-19. We are blessed for the community's support - thank you!