Co‑op Sustainable Initiatives
Don’t let the old brick building fool you. From green power and solar panels to food waste reduction and rainforest regeneration, the Co-op is always looking for fresh, modern ways to increase sustainability.
Every day is Earth Day at the Co-op!
100% Green Power
The Co-op matches 100% of its electricity usage with green power to help fund renewables projects like the solar panel installation at Skagit Food Distribution Center.
Solar Power
The C-SQUARE Building’s rooftop is home to 62 solar panels. That’s a lot of sunshine baked right into all the goods from our industrial kitchen and ovens.
Co+op Forest
Did you know? Your shopping trips help plant trees in the Amazonian rainforest. Learn how we support the National Co-op Grocer’s Co+op Forest program.
Green Your Grocery Trip
The Co-op has always been a place that inspires better choices, for people and the planet. Every time you shop here, you’re electing to use your everyday purchasing power for good, and inside you’ll find that the Co-op is overflowing with opportunities to reduce your impact.
Here are some easy ways to make your shopping trip even more sustainable:
Bring Your Own!
Bags, boxes, containers, cups, and mugs, you’re more than welcome to B-Y-O at the Co-op. Not only are you reducing waste, you’ll save money, too! Get 10¢ off your deli drinks when you bring your own mug or cup. And with our Tokens for Tomorrow Program, instead of paying 8¢ per paper bag, we give you a token worth 8¢ for every reusable shopping bag you use, so you can pay it forward to a local non-profit. Cha-ching!
Shop Bulk
The Co-op’s bulk foods department boasts big savings all around. You can fill up on as little or as much as you want while also cutting down on cost, food waste, and packaging. Feel free to bring your own clean containers next time you boot scoop boogie through bulk.
Look for Local
It’s true what they say: fresh is best. And what could be fresher than local? The footprint is small, and the flavor is big, especially if you’re enjoying food made right here at the Co-op! When it comes to other goods, we have relationships with dozens of rad, local companies owned, operated, and employed by hard-working Skagitonians. Shopping local supports them, your friends, neighbors, and businesses that care about keeping the Skagit magic.
Choose Organic
What are the benefits of eating organic? Lettuce count the ways! Organics look out for the health of humans, animals, and the environment by avoiding chemicals, like toxic pesticides. You can shop easy knowing your food is safe, and that the people producing it aren’t being exposed to harmful substances either.
When you shop organic, you’re also supporting sustainable practices that conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, protecting the future of food and farming for generations to come. And remember! Eating organic is the very best way to avoid GMOs.
Fair Trade is a Force for Good
Cocoa, coffee, coconut, bananas, and grapes—some of the world’s most-loved ingredients with some of the biggest impact on the people who grow them. How they’re sourced matters. For decades, these industries have made a profit at the cost of child labor, deforestation, worker exploitation, and even slavery. That’s where Fair Trade comes in. Fair Trade ensures farmers and workers around the world a fair wage that benefits their families, their communities, and the environment.
Good news is, there are over 6,600 items in the Co-op that are Fair Trade Certified or made using Fair Trade ingredients, so you can make a world of difference with even the smallest of purchases.