ReSeed: Small Farms, Massive Impact

ReSeed has a certified, socially responsible business model in an industry where regulation is not guaranteed. The company pays and incentivizes smallholder (family) farmers in Brazil to maintain the climate-friendly, regenerative farming practices they’ve used for generations at a time when corporations are rapidly purchasing land in Brazil to raise cattle. Brazil exports about 25% (and growing) of the world’s beef. ReSeed compensates farmers so they can reject sale of their land and maintain their traditional way of life and continue to farm regeneratively. If you’re interested in how ReSeed calculates carbon credits, take a look at NCG appreciates their commitment to transparency and accountability.

Contributing to the Curiau Afro Brazilian Social Carbon Project

To offset NCG’s 2022 and 2023 emissions, NCG purchased 1,315 credits from farmers in the Quilombola (kee-lon-boo-luh) community in the Curiau (koo-ree-ow) region of Brazil. This area is home to about 1,800 people. According to ReSeed, “Members of this community have a close relationship with the Amazon, and their families are guardians of the environment. Their efforts to preserve the forest are critical, and ensuring the sustainability of their way of life prevents deforestation.”

Calculating NCG’s Carbon Emissions

NCG’s carbon emissions are calculated annually by looking at staff air travel and gas mileage, utility use for its office headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota, and estimated annual energy usage for NCG employees that work from home, based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates.

Investing in Tropical Forests Since 2012

NCG has been offsetting carbon emissions from staff travel and office electricity use since 2012. From 2012 to 2022, NCG partnered with PUR and cooperative cacao farmers in Peru and Brazil to plant new trees and protect acres of old growth forest, totaling an estimated 1.8 million trees which will offset at least 7,052 metric tons CO2e within their lifetimes, while providing income and environmental benefits to the surrounding community, [which you may know as Co+op Forest].

Potential to Fund Projects in the United States

In addition to supporting projects in tropical regions where fast-growing trees can most efficiently store carbon, NCG members [like Skagit Valley Food Co-op] have also expressed an interest in supporting carbon offset projects in the United States. ReSeed is building relationships in economically disadvantaged regions of the U.S., with hopes to bring their certified, socially responsible carbon offset model to domestic farmers. NCG looks forward to the potential for future partnership in this area.

Written by Mandy Makinen, NCG Advocacy Senior Manager

National Co+op Grocers (NCG), founded in 1999, is a business services cooperative for retail food co-ops located throughout the United States. NCG helps unify food co-ops in order to optimize operational and marketing resources, strengthen purchasing power and ultimately offer more value to natural food co-op owners and shoppers everywhere. Our 165 member co-ops operate more than 240 storefronts in 39 states with combined annual sales of nearly $2.5 billion. NCG is a winner of the dotCoop Global Awards for Cooperative Excellence and a certified B Corp.

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