Co-op Seeks 4% Friday Applicants for 2025

2024 is the 20th anniversary of our 4% Friday Community Shopping Day! That’s 240 Fridays, over $500,000 donated, and thousands of lives impacted. Thank you to our shoppers for marking your calendars, showing up, and giving back to our friends and neighbors for the last 20 years.

In July, mark your calendars for the 26th to support Food to Go (pictured). Food to Go is another amazing program improving food access for children in need. F2G is a weekend backpack food program serving children in the Anacortes School District. Food to Go provides 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners, healthy snacks and fresh fruit every Friday to children who are food insecure over the weekends. Because of donations, they are often able to supplement the bag with additional food. All donations to Food to Go are used only to purchase food for the children.

Know of any other groups doing good in our community? The Board of Trustees is currently accepting non-sectarian, non-partisan charitable applicants for the Co-op’s 4% Friday Community Shopping Day Program in 2025. Groups chosen, one per month for the calendar year, receive 4% of the day’s gross receipts at the Skagit Valley Food Co-op.

These community groups are selected for their service to the community in the following areas: local community service, organic food, natural health, environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices, human rights, environmental preservation, and other areas that reflect “like-minded” mission statements. The Board also hopes to select at least one organization with a focus on youth. Applications are due September 30 and can be downloaded from here:

Once all applications are received, a small selection committee meets in October to select the new 4% Friday recipients. All groups will be notified of their application status in October. 2025 groups will be announced to the public in January.