Board Announces Patronage Refund

The Co-op Board is happy to announce a Patronage Refund to Co-op member-owners based on their 2021 purchases. More details will be included in the patronage refund letter.

What to Know About Patronage Refunds:

  • Patronage refund letters will be mailed later in April.

  • PLEASE USE YOUR REFUND! You must redeem your refund by July 29, 2022. Otherwise, your store credit becomes taxable for the Co-op, and you forfeit your refund.

  • A refund is not guaranteed each year: the Co-op must profit, and the Board must decide refunds are financially viable.

  • The amount will vary from year to year, as needs and profits do.

  • The more you spend the more you get back. The same percentage is applied to everyone’s purchases.

  • A percentage of the refund is withheld from distribution and stays in the Co-op. It belongs to the members as a group, to further build the Co-op and promote our practices.

  • The refund is not taxable income for those who receive it.

 Thank you for supporting the Co-op and making refunds possible. It’s great to keep more of our money right here in the community.