Shop 4% Friday on June 24th to Support Skagit Gleaners

Skagit Gleaners' purpose is to provide food, household merchandise and clothing to frugal, waste conscious, and working families.

By rescuing surplus food and product from local businesses, Skagit Gleaners is able to keep items out of overflowing landfills. Skagit Gleaners’ mission is to foster a community of sustainability and stewardship to diverse, working families, while reducing food waste in the community.

How Will Your Shopping Trip Support Skagit Gleaners?

Skagit Gleaners will use funds from 4% Friday to purchase imperfect fruits and vegetables from Latino-owned farms. While Skagit Gleaners tries to get more of the surplus food through voluntary grocery rescue efforts, it acknowledges that some businesses do not have the economic elasticity to donate imperfect foods.

This would provide Latino-owned businesses an opportunity to thrive, while contributing to the community at large.