Shop 4% Friday on August 26th to Support Communities in Schools

The mission of Communities in Schools (CIS) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

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Since 2008, CIS’ Site Coordinators (full-time mentoring and resource navigational staff) have provided whole-school supports to improve educational equity and 1:1 case management services & comprehensive interventions for in-risk or at-risk youth (experiencing homelessness, poverty, limited access to medical/mental health services affected by adverse childhood experiences and trauma, food insecurity, etc.).

The purpose of CIS’ program it to connect local youth in need with a champion and with resources they need to find success in school, through individual mentoring and goal-setting support to improve academic outcomes including attendance, core course grades and behavior.

How Will Your Shopping Trip Support Communities in Schools?

Funds from 4% Friday will be utilized to support Communities in Schools’ Basic Needs Resource Closets at 5 schools in the Mount Vernon School District.

When students face immediate and systematic barriers like homelessness, poverty and food scarcity, it becomes a significant challenge for them to focus on school, due to unmet basic needs like food, snacks, clothing, school supplies and hygiene products. We will use this funding to purchase these resources and make them available to students so that they can get their needs met at school, and therefore have the ability to focus on their education.