September 9 Co-op Update: Our Mask Policy

A letter from our General Manager:

Hello Co-op Members & Shoppers,

I want to inform you of a change regarding our policy on facial coverings: starting on Tuesday, September 15th, a facial covering will be required for all shoppers. Facial coverings must cover your nose and mouth. No exemptions will be allowed (children 5 and under will still be allowed without masks). Prior to this, we have been allowing shoppers who have told us they have medical exemptions to shop. Unfortunately, as time has gone on, more and more shoppers have been declaring that they have a medical exemption. We have even had shoppers who in the past have worn a mask while shopping, now claiming they are unable to do so. The increase of shoppers not wearing a mask is something that I am not comfortable with. A shopper not wearing a mask increases the anxiety for many of our staff and shoppers.

Our staff are required to wear a facial covering at work, often for 8 hours or more. It is not something any of us enjoy, but it is required and helps to lower the risk of spreading COVID-19.

I am hopeful that all our shoppers will understand the reasoning behind this change. I am sure that some will disagree with the new policy, but I feel it is a necessary change. For shoppers that are unable or unwilling to wear a mask, we are sorry for the inconvenience, but hope we can serve you via our Curbside grocery service: Co-op Online Ordering.


Tony WhiteGeneral Manager
