Clear Skin from Within

How is your skin holding up with all the hand washing and sanitizer? Not so good? Most skin issues start on the inside, and I have a few thoughts on how to improve your skin from within.

Skin is the gut turned inside-out. The digestive tract’s tissue lining is identical to the dermal tissue of skin, and what we do to our gut we do to our skin and our brain. For example, it doesn’t take much alcohol to kill healthy bacteria. Consider what happens when an alcohol wipe is used before a blood draw or injection; it’s the same principle on the inside when consuming alcohol, and we all know how alcohol impacts the brain.

The root of all skin conditions is improper organ function. When the liver, gut, kidneys, and lymphatics don't effectively process and detoxify, the “leftovers” will their way to the largest last-ditch organ of elimination, our skin, as a rash, acne, eczema, or other dermatitis and skin conditions.

Root Cause vs Medication Symptom Management. No amount of hand washing, diaper changing, or stress will ever flare up healthy skin and healthy organs. And if a skin condition is not caused by a deficiency of medication, how would medication effectively treat the root cause of the condition? Creams, lotions, pills, injections, and skincare remedies might appear to help, but again, the root of all skin conditions is a compromised organ of elimination.

The Skin is Bi-Directional. Not only does the skin eliminate toxins, it’s very effective at absorbing both toxins and nutrients. In fact, we absorb 70% of what goes on the skin. In other words, our skin is like one big mouth! So if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it on your skin. Hand sanitizer snack anyone? All skincare and beauty products should only contain edible ingredients.

Essential Gut Health. No matter what a patient Zooms in to see me for, if they aren't pooping at least once each and every day, this gets moved to the top of the health goals list! Poor elimination leads to chronic Inflammation. Inflammation equals -itis and a pain in the…, as in dermat-itis, acne, etc. Inflammation is at the root of degenerative disease along with skin conditions.

Liver-Hormone Connection. Even if hormone production is adequate and balanced, a sluggish, congested liver can cause hormonal deficiencies and imbalances. This is another root cause not only of skin conditions, but most everything else. We know the liver as a filter and detoxifier, but few realize it also regulates and activates every good substance such as hormones, cholesterol, and vitamins.

3 Keys to Make Your Skin Condition Go Away

  1. Optimize detoxification pathways by improving eliminative organs, especially the gut, liver, and lymphatics.

  2. Balance hormones.

  3. Test and address nutrient deficiencies. There are four nutritional influences common to all skin conditions: essential fatty acids such as omega-3, vitamin A, Zinc, and Folic Acid (B-9). Evaluating for these is a good idea to ensure not only overall and immune health but sustainably clear skin. Like I always say, if you aren’t testing, you’re guessing.

Karl Mincin is a Functional Medicine Nutritionist in practice for 35 years. 360.336.2616 | | Instagram @MincinNutritionist | Facebook @NutritionTesting1