Mad Hippie, Happy Skin

If you’ve ever found yourself wandering around the Wellness Department taking in the sights of colorful soaps, elegant apothecary-style creams, and little bottles of botanical oils, you’re not alone. As an employee, I regularly find myself hypnotized towards this little slice of personal care heaven, always on the lookout for the next cream or salve or hair care item that I can somehow manage to find space for in my postage-stamp sized bathroom.

And while I have so many favorite local and natural companies that it’s often difficult to pick my next treasure, if there’s one brand I find myself regularly getting drawn to, it’s Portland-based Mad Hippie. Maybe it’s the colorful, groovy packaging or maybe it’s the fact that I identify with their quirky brand name. But what I really think reels me in is their quality ingredient list, lack of animal testing, and their overall concern for the environment. And with Earth Day on my mind, I found myself wanting to learn more about their sustainability efforts.

According to National Geographic, nearly 70% of all plastic packaging ends up in a landfill, which makes accessible, easy-to-recycle packaging more important than ever. And Mad Hippie seems to agree, given that they’ve taken an impressively mindful and sustainable approach to how they package up their oils, creams, serums, and cleansers.

A couple of the less-than-common-in-the-industry sustainable materials Mad Hippie uses in their packaging is bio resin sugarcane plastic and bamboo.

Bio resin sugarcane plastic is a material that can be recycled alongside #4 plastics and is sustainably harvested from environmentally-responsible farms. It looks and feels just like plastic, but is free from any petroleum ingredients, giving it a dramatically lower carbon footprint when it’s manufactured. Mad Hippie’s concealer, mascara, and SPF tubes are all made out of bio resin sugarcane plastic.

Bamboo, on the other hand, is an incredible resource because it’s highly sustainable (just ask any gardener who can’t seem to get it to stop growing in their yard), biodegradable, and is actually quite beautiful! Harvesting bamboo doesn’t require the use of pesticides of chemicals, which obviously is good for the planet. Aside from being a sustainable material, bamboo also has antimicrobial properties, making in an ideal packaging option for skin care. You’ll find bamboo lids and spoons in a variety of Mad Hippie products!

But their sustainable packaging initiative goes beyond what materials they choose to sell their products in. Mad Hippie recently announced a new partnership with TerraCycle, a recycling company that partners with eco-minded brands to offer an accessible recycling program to customers in the U.S. Their goal is to keep plastic waste out of landfills (and ultimately our oceans), by providing customers with a simple way to mail in their packaging for recycling rather than tossing it in the garbage because they don’t have direct access to the proper facilities.

And along with their mindful approach to packaging, Mad Hippie products themselves are magical. Whether you’re dealing with dry skin, acne, congested pores, or some signs of sun damage you’re not too keen on, Mad Hippie products are effective and made from natural ingredients that are kind to skin, no matter the type. And with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, why not invest in your skin?

So if you want my recommendation for your next Wellness Department treasure, I say go for that groovy packaging and feel at peace that your choice this Earth Day is from a local company that cares about the mark they leave on the planet.