How to Shop Bulk

Have you ever wanted to buy just a small quantity of a particular spice? Or on the flip side, have you ever needed to buy a big ol’ bag of oats but didn’t want to waste a ton of plastic packaging on multiple bags? Sounds like shopping in bulk is the way to go!

In our Bulk Department, we carry all sorts of beans, nuts, grains, oats, snacks, spices, tea, and more, and you get to choose just how little or large of a quantity you want to buy. And if you bring in your own containers from home, you can reduce plastic packaging waste at the same time. Sustainable and affordable, win-win!

If you’ve never shopped a bulk section before, it’s simple! Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Weigh Your Containers

Before you fill up your container from home with your Bulk Department bounty, you’ll want to get the tare weight of your container. Bring your empty container (and lid!) to the scale in our Bulk Department, and weigh your container. You can also bring your containers to any register and our cashiers can weigh them there, too!

Step 2: Record the Tare Weight

Grab a piece of tape and write down the tare weight. Stick the tape to your container! This way, when you go to check out, your cashier knows how much your containers weigh and can subtract that from the total.

Step 3: Record the Bin Number

Grab another piece of tape and record the bin number of the item you’re stocking up on. You can find the bin number right next to the price per pound.

Step 4: Fill ‘Em Up!

Finally, fill up your containers! Fill them up as full or empty as you’d like. Bring them to the register with your other groceries and check out!

Step 5: Rinse & Repeat

Make sure to clean your containers before bringing them back to the Co-op to stock up on more goodies. Thanks for doing your part to keep our food safe and clean for everyone!

Leigha StaffenhagenComment